Sustainability is at the heart of what we do at HR Wallingford, so it is vital for our business to operate in a sustainable way and create a positive impact.
By 2030 we want to lead innovation in sustainable solutions that transform how we live and work with water. And our ambitious sustainability programme is designed to deliver this vision and our seven big commitments.
Over the coming years we will manage our innovation, develop our people, create operational excellence and build the solid foundations needed to reach these goals.
Find out more in our sustainability programme outline.

How are we doing?
Our position as global leaders and independent experts in how to live and work sustainably with water has remained our focus during a year of significant change and transformation.
This year, with support and input from our people, we’ve placed sustainability firmly at the heart of our business in our new five-year company strategy. In October 2023 we signed up to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC); this is a significant moment in our sustainability journey. We will embrace the opportunities that this brings, and grow our understanding of the impact we have as an organisation, as we commit to abide by the UNGC’s ten guiding principles centred around human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. We submitted our first Communication of Progress in July 2024, and will use this to drive progress over the coming years.
This, our second annual sustainability report, covers the entire scope of our global operations. It builds on the strong foundations and ambitions outlined in our first report, and shows the progress we’ve made against each of our material issues. This year, we’ve increased the number of metrics reported. These demonstrate where we are doing well and where we need to do more, if we are to deliver our 2030 sustainability vision of ‘leading innovation in sustainable solutions that transform how we live and work with water’.
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