Climate change adaptation
Climate adaptation decisions made today need to be resilient to a changing but also uncertain future. A significant challenge for developing adaptation strategies is dealing with the considerable uncertainty associated with climate change projections and future social and economic changes.
Our approach to managing future risks promotes climate resilience.
We work with our clients to assess their capacity to respond and then implement practical steps to improve their resilience to climate change. Building on an assessment of climate sensitivity and vulnerability, we work closely with policy makers, planners and other stakeholders to understand the scope for adaptation action to reduce current risks and plan for future climate change. We specialise in translating the latest scientific research into practical policy advice, adaptation strategies and decision support tools.
Climate resilience investment planning
From small-scale development measures to major infrastructure projects, investments are made in the context of uncertainty related to future climate change. We provide climate resilience and adaptation guidelines for government and private sector organisations, tools to identify risks and screen investment decisions, and early warning systems for floods, droughts and cyclones.
Coasts and maritime
On the coast, we use our modelling expertise to inform the development of beach management strategies. These highlight options for maintenance, such as coastal defence interventions, to ensure coastal resilience in the near and long term.
Flood risk management
Our approaches to flood risk management and climate change adaptation are world leading. In the UK, we worked closely with the Environment Agency on Thames Estuary 2100 (TE2100) to develop the country’s largest long-term flood risk management strategy for the Thames Estuary. We applied a ground-breaking adaptive management approach, which is now being used around the world. Internationally, we’ve worked on similar studies to build capacity for national flood risk and climate change adaptation.
Training and capacity building
We offer training courses in climate change adaptation to clients around the world. This includes capacity/capability development at all levels – from policy makers to technical professionals and community-based organisations. All of our course tutors have extensive experience in both consultancy and research.
Water resources management
In the UK, we’ve undertaken major studies on drought resilience, climate change and abstraction reform for the water industry and government. Our team has contributed to the development of new climate change methods for water resources planning, and delivered the current version of the UK Water Industry Climate Change Adaptation Framework. Internationally, we’ve worked in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean to identify and assess adaptation options and provide training and capacity building.
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