Catchment management
Catchments are complex natural environments; catchment processes can’t be looked at or managed in isolation. With expertise in every aspect of environmental risk management, we see the big picture. Our expert advice adds value and helps our clients to make strategic, climate-resilient decisions at the catchment-scale.
Robust catchment management strategies require a breadth and depth of understanding, and the ability to use and evaluate a huge range of information. Our national and global flooding, water resources and environmental management experts understand the interaction, risks and dependencies between individual catchment processes and have crucial experience in their modelling and management
There are a large number of strands underlying effective catchment management. The significance and importance of each strand depends on the decisions being taken and the objectives of the strategy. However, to minimise risks and maximise opportunities, and to facilitate multi-stakeholder engagement and collaboration, it’s critical that all aspects of the catchment are considered.
Effective flood risk management will reduce the likelihood and impact of flooding at a catchment level.
- Flood hazard and risk mapping
- Flood risk assessment
- Flood forecasting and warning and life safety modelling
- Catchment flood risk management
- Natural flood management
- Property resilience and building standards
- Surface water management and sustainable drainage (SuDS)
We help to balance completing demands for water resources across the catchment.
- Hydrological, groundwater and water resources modelling
- Demand-supply balancing
- Drought resilience assessment and strategy development
- Drought modelling, forecasting and management planning
- Abstraction reform modelling
- Water availability appraisals
We develop bespoke solutions that help our clients to understand the impacts of natural and human induced change on catchments, and develop mitigation and adaptation strategies.
- Ecosystems modelling and services assessments
- Environmental impact assessment and risk mitigation and monitoring strategies
- Water Framework Directive compliance
- Modelling and analysis of hydro-morphological and water quality
We combine our knowledge of catchment processes with unique expertise in data modelling and management systems, interactive data analysis, data visualisation and support tools. Our bespoke tools bring together large volumes of information, so our clients can analyse data efficiently, and then take robust and auditable decisions at a catchment scale.
- Data modelling and mapping
- Decision support systems
- Interactive visualisation tools
- Smart apps
Our technical expertise works together with our core expertise in developing bespoke tools for visualising, analysing, interrogating and interpreting datasets at a catchment scale. Robust statistical evaluation, uncertainty assessment, climate impact modelling and forecasting, and multi-scenario option appraisal can all be integrated to deliver and support effective management strategies.