Understanding how water moves, behaves and influences communities and industries across the globe.
Water is becoming scarcer in many places and increasingly volatile in others. Building sustainable communities, industries and infrastructure is becoming more challenging. Our wide range of projects highlights our innovation, our creativity, and our focus on finding solutions that rise to that challenge and positively impact our clients and the communities they serve.
Explore our projects
Underwater sound modelling of an offshore 3D seismic survey
Our specialist underwater sound modelling of the towed acoustic source on a 3D seismic survey made an important contribution to the overall EIA for a seismic exploration project in the Adriatic Sea.
Underwater sound modelling of an offshore 3D seismic survey
Our specialist underwater sound modelling of the towed acoustic source on a 3D seismic survey made an important contribution to the overall EIA for a seismic exploration project in the Adriatic Sea.
Improving access to Mesaieed Port
HR Wallingford looked at options for the upgrade and management of the navigation channels to Mesaieed Port in Doha. We identified a number practical measures that will improve access to the port, affording real economic benefits as well as helping to ensure future demand can be met.
Marine facilities and dredging for Gladstone LNG
GLNG is a multibillion dollar project to convert coal seam gas to LNG for marine export from Curtis Island in Gladstone, Queensland, Australia. HR Wallingford was first appointed in 2008 for concept definition of marine facilities requirements and we have continued support GLNG in the role of marine
Louvre Abu Dhabi
A key feature of the architectural design of the Louvre Abu Dhabi included having water levels close to the line of sight. This required a design able to withstand varying water levels, as well as one able to tolerate any long term rises in sea levels.
Louvre Abu Dhabi
A key feature of the architectural design of the Louvre Abu Dhabi included having water levels close to the line of sight. This required a design able to withstand varying water levels, as well as one able to tolerate any long term rises in sea levels.