Understanding how water moves, behaves and influences communities and industries across the globe.
Water is becoming scarcer in many places and increasingly volatile in others. Building sustainable communities, industries and infrastructure is becoming more challenging. Our wide range of projects highlights our innovation, our creativity, and our focus on finding solutions that rise to that challenge and positively impact our clients and the communities they serve.
Explore our projects
Flood risk management strategies for Moldova
As part of the Moldova Flood Protection Project, we mapped hazards and developed strategies to help reduce and manage flood risk in Moldova.
Developing National SuDS Standards
The Floods and Water Management Act (2010) requires the development of standards and guidance to support the mandatory consideration of SuDs (sustainable drainage systems) for all developments with drainage implications. We provided the lead technical input for the development of National SuDS
CCRA, the UK's first climate change assessment
HR Wallingford led pioneering work for the UK Government to assess climate change related risks up to the year 2100. The Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA), for the first time, presents a comparison of a wide range of climate change risks based on their economic, social and environmental
Smart manuals for Dwr Cymru Welsh Water
We developed award-winning interactive Works Operating Manual apps for Dwr Cymru Welsh Water’s waste and fresh water treatment plants. Designed for use on mobile and tablet devices, these apps also work as conventional web applications.
Pipeline river crossings in Azerbaijan and Georgia
HR Wallingford has been involved in a wide range of activities related to pipelines and rivers in the area between the Caspian and Black Sea in the countries of Azerbaijan and Georgia.
Life Safety Model
The Life Safety Model (LSM) can help with the development of emergency plans for both floods and dams by assessing the risks to people and evacuation times for various scenarios. The LSM represents the behaviour of each individual person, vehicle and building and their interactions with the