ICOLD bestows Honorary Membership to Jonathan Hinks, FICE

The International Commission On Large Dams (ICOLD) have bestowed Honorary Membership on Jonathan Hinks FICE, in recognition of the 50 years that he has spent improving dam safety in the UK and internationally.


Typically, only one or two people globally are selected for this honour each year by the ICOLD President, after consultation with other officers from ICOLD - the international body responsible for leading the profession in setting standards and guidelines to ensure that dams are built and operated safely, efficiently, economically, and are environmentally sustainable and socially equitable.

Jonathan is well known in the UK as an All Reservoirs Panel Engineer and past Chair of the British Dam Society (BDS). He is a globally recognised expert of dams and seismicity and has recently published a seminal book on this subject through the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), of which he is a Fellow. He continues to travel widely and share his experience through Panel of Expert roles on major dams projects around the world.

Caroline Hazlewood, Group Manager at HR Wallingford, shared: “We are delighted that Jonathan’s contribution to dam safety globally has been recognised at such a high level.” 

The award was presented to Jonathan at the BDS meeting in London by Dr Darren Shaw, Vice Chair of BDS.

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