
reservoir with small water puddles showing water scarcity in Africa

Join us on the journey to a climate resilient world

Water is critical to the fight against climate change. We often talk about 'going green', but our planet is mostly blue. Rising sea levels and more extreme weather are affecting people, nature, infrastructure and economies across the globe.  But society isn't adapting to climate change fast enough.

At HR Wallingford, we want to change this.

To show how, we’ve produced films, podcasts and features to explain the scale of the problems we face, and how we can live in this changing world. 

Find out about four areas where we can make a difference: flooding, water resources, energy transition and ports and harbours. And Bruce Tomlinson, HR Wallingford's CEO and passionate advocate for a more sustainable and resilient world, gives messages of hope in two videos below...

In this film, Bruce lays out the scale of the challenges that face our world…

It’s quite astounding that water, arguably the fundamental resource on which civilisation and the natural environment depend, is something that we generally take for granted.  

Bruce explains how innovation is helping to create a climate resilient world…

If the planet our children are to inherit, is not only to survive, but thrive, we need to think differently about water.  

Explore videos, podcasts and feature articles

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If you want an expert opinion on the issues around climate change, our spokespeople can help. Contact our press office team to discuss your story.  You can contact us on +44 7917 558321, or via